Psychic Ruby Sun, 29 Dec 2019 05:45:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Twin Flame Connections and the Divine Purpose Sun, 29 Dec 2019 05:45:36 +0000

A twin flame love and connection is rare, magical and unique. We have many soulmates in one lifetime but only a few, or one, special twin flame. This is because the twin flame love and bond vibrates at a powerful and supreme frequency; there is no connection quite like it. Without further ado, let’s explore … Continue reading

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A twin flame love and connection is rare, magical and unique. We have many soulmates in one lifetime but only a few, or one, special twin flame. This is because the twin flame love and bond vibrates at a powerful and supreme frequency; there is no connection quite like it.

Without further ado, let’s explore the twin flame connection in all of its beauty and glory.

What is the difference between a Soulmate and a Twinflame?

Soulmates are here to teach us a lesson, to teach us about aspects of our self and our journey. A soulmate bond shows itself so we can learn, evolve and heal – we can transcend lower vibrational ways of being, behavior and thought through soulmate connections.

Soulmate love or bonds may come into our lives for deep healing and releasing. For example, we may still be holding onto emotional blocks, issues and trauma which a soulmate can help us release.

We alternatively may have outdated, limiting or self- destructive beliefs and mindsets preventing our evolution and self or spiritual development. A soulmate connection helps us transcend this.

Soulmates are also here to show us the “unseen” and invisible parts of self, particularly in relation to soul and spirit.

Maybe you are just beginning your spiritual journey and awakening, or are new to meditation, metaphysical teachings and ancient wisdom, so a soulmate enters your life to guide you along your path.

Or, perhaps you are literally in need of some very obvious healing and you therefore attract a soulmate for personal transformation and growth, someone more mature and further along their own path? Hopefully these few examples give an accurate idea of the purpose and essence of a soulmate connection.

A twinflame bond, however, is the next stage and step in your evolutionary journey. You ultimately only come together with a twin flame once you have done the healing work yourself.

The healing work is referring to the years and copious amounts of energy, self- love and healing taken towards healing your mind, body and spirit. Also, your mental body, emotional body, physical body, spiritual body and aura/ astral and etheric existence.

Your twin flame is your reflection, your mirror and your soul’s counterpart. You share the same foundational vibrational energy and essence, beliefs and dreams, goals and wishes, philosophies and perspectives, and quite possibly gifts, talents and soul abilities.

Sacredness and divinity are the underlying core threads to your bond and love, and you both primarily operate from your higher self.

Sacredness and Divine Union

Expanding on, twin flame love is very, very sacred and special. It is similar to the special bond shared between soulmates, however goes a step above and beyond.

Synonyms for sacred include holy, devotional and spiritual, and this is exactly what the twin flame connection is and represents. When two twins come together in love, intimacy and holy union there is an element of divine union- a sacred union of two souls recognizing each other and how they have walked together many times before.

Twin flames know each other, they have shared past lives and will share future lives. There are two main purposes of twin flame love. Let’s explore these now.

Purpose 1: To experience love and happiness on the highest of planes

Experiencing love, joy, connection and happiness on the highest possible frequency- in the strongest vibration- is ultimately one of the main purposes of the twin flame sacred union.

The ecstasy, bliss and sense of holy union felt and experienced by both twins is simply indescribable, it is one of the most, if not the most, highest expression of joy, love and liberation known to mankind.

There is a feeling of transcendental awareness and higher knowing with a twin flame union, and this is intuitively and instinctively known by both partners.

Instincts are strong and on point, intuition is activated and integrated, and both partners operate with a sense of spiritual and divine knowing and recognition. This recognition is of their connection and love, part and place in the world, and of the spiritual energy that permeates life itself.

Finally, both twins in the twin flame sacred union act, speak and perceive with soul- they are wholly aware of their soulful and timeless essence.

Concepts such as multidimensionality, infinite being, non- linear time and eternal nature are not only understood but also embodied.

They are aware that their love exists and stems beyond time and space. On the earth plane, the laughter, sheer joy and divine union that exists between them is of the highest expression.

There is no bickering, judgements or “lower” behaviors and emotional displays such as in karmic or even some soulmate relationships & bonds; they have transcended the lower dimensional states of being and risen higher, in love.

Purpose 2: To come together in divine and sacred union for a shared mission or purpose

Having a shared mission or purpose is fundamental to the twin flame bond. This is something which separates and distinguishes a true twin flame connection to a soulmate or karmic one.

Twinflames are birthed from the same cosmic DNA, the same energetic frequency and soulful essence. So they share the same skills, talents, motivation and intentions for humanity and planet earth.

Examples: two humanitarian aid workers travelling the world to be of assistance to those in need… two musicians or artists of some kind with a shared mission… two healers, shamans or spiritual healers with the same intentions and skillset, being of service to benefit others.

Or two eco- activists sharing their love and passion for healing and helping the earth with communities and sustainable organizations. These are just a few possibilities, but hopefully you get the idea!

The twin flame bond is birthed first and foremost from soul and spirit, the essence of both being and our human physical reality.

Some relationships are birthed from purely physicality or primal wants and needs, therefore there will be issues, imbalances and distortions in many other essential elements and aspects of life, and the relationship.

Some relationships are formed from solely mental or emotional similarities, henceforth- again- a sense of holism (all- encompassing/ complete) will be missing.

But with a twin flame love two souls have come together from a balanced, integrated and pure state of mind, body, heart and soul. Like the well known analogy of “the onion,” they have not had to peel away the layers to get to the core; they were already in touch and tune with their core and met (came together in divine sacred union) from that level.

Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine

The divine masculine and divine feminine are two well known concepts for anyone familiar with new age terms and speech. And these are integral concepts of the twin flame connection.

We are all said to operate as primary masculine and feminine. It is usually the case that if we are male, we are more masculinely inclined and, if we are female, more femininely inclined and oriented. We also have astrological and celestial influences, such as our ruling planet.

For example, if you are Cancer you are more feminine as the Moon is Cancer’s ruling planet, and the Moon is of a negative or feminine polarity. If you are Aries you are more masculinely inclined as Aries is ruled by Mars, a positive/ masculine polarity planet.

Yet, with  twin flame sacred union both twins are balanced within. There is unity within and this then reflects outwards into your relationship.

With a twin flame relationship or sacred union both twins are balanced within. Divine masculine and feminine qualities are balanced, merged, harmonized and integrated/ embodied, and this reflects outwards into the relationship. Thus, the twin flame bond is symbolized by a coming together of dual forces, a unity within duality.

This means that duality, wholeness and completion are key themes with the twin flame connection.

The divine masculine and divine feminine are two aspects of one circle, and this metaphorical circle is present within each twin first and further within the relationship/ connection.

Completion can also be seen to be present because to find and merge on all levels with your twin flame is to complete an important stage in the soul’s evolutionary journey.

Mental, emotional, physical and spiritual healing must be present and have had occurred, and achieving wholeness, balance and integration within must also be achieved before the same qualities can be reflected externally to a partner.

This means that masculine and feminine energies need to be completely healed, balanced and integrated before you can “vibe” on the same level (frequency) with a partner.

Below are some key characteristics of the divine masculine and divine feminine. To show their power and significance, we have include some potential dualistic (opposing) behaviors and characteristics of the wounded masculine and wounded feminine, which are often seen in karmic or less evolved relationships.

These can also help you to understand the twin flame bond better in all of its magnificence!

Divine Masculine

  • Present and aware
  • Protective, caring and supporting
  • Strong sense of purpose
  • Capable of empathy and emotional connection
  • Discerning and decisive

Wounded Masculine (Non- Twin Flame)

  • Manipulative, lacking empathy and awareness
  • Forceful, domineering and dominant
  • Controlling and demanding
  • Completely detached from divine feminine qualities
  • Over- doing, over- thinking, uncontrolled and imbalanced 

Divine Feminine

  • Intuitive & instinctual
  • Expressive and radiant
  • Compassionate and empathic
  • Creative
  • Adaptable, balanced and compromising

Wounded Feminine (Non- Twin Flame)

  • Disconnected from feelings and emotions, repressed
  • Shame, guilt- driven, and unworthy. Low self- esteem
  • Weak boundaries
  • Codependent, always apologizing and over- explaining
  • Inflexible, stubborn, insecure and fearful of masculine qualities, or men in general. Alternatively, overly masculine and aggressive

These lists are just a rough representation of the divine masculine and feminine qualities within us all.

Telepathy and telepathic connection

Telepathy is the ability to know what someone else is thinking, feeling and operating on the inner levels of being.

It can almost be seen as an advanced form of empathy and it is something that twin flames possess. You and your twin may just know when the other is about to call, or show up at your door unannounced.

You will most likely be able to feel what they are feeling from afar, such as experiencing extreme or intense feelings the moment they do. Your telepathic connection is a psychic gift which connects you through time and space.

You may be aware that dolphins use a supersonic special radar to communicate through the ocean’s waves. You may also be aware that snakes can sense energy and subtle vibration through their tongues, or that bats use echolocation to “see” sounds.

Well, these may give you a clearer image of twin flame telepathy. In essence, these examples and many more are what twin flames can do and are capable of, and further what many experience on a day to day basis.

The power and significance of telepathy amongst twinflames should not go undervalued, as it shows just how magical and divine your connection is.

It can help you to understand the sacredness of your union and how your love transcends the perceived limitations of the human mind and 3d reality experience. Amazing stuff!

Twin flame synchronicity

Finally and to conclude this article, twin flame synchronicity is a common phenomena.

This refers to the fact that many twin flames awaken at the same time, regardless of how close or far you are, or if you have ever met! You share highly significant and essential aspects of the same timeline and earth journey.

You go through the same trials and tribulations, lessons and teachings, and you experience the highs, lows, joys and downfalls simultaneously.

It doesn’t matter if you have been in each other’s lives, as friends or acquaintances, or if you live on the other side of the planet… you and your twin share a natural harmonic resonance and natural vibration.

You are one and connected, and your synchronous awakening is usually some catalytic or harmonious event which brings you together, or at least into full alignment with your true self and the core of your soul, so you can meet later.

Want to know when you will meet your twinflame? A love psychic reading can offer you great insights into your twinflame love. You can connect with one of our online psychics via Call or Chat to one of our twin flame specialist today at Zenory.

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5 More Ways to get Closure after a Messy Breakup Sun, 07 Apr 2019 07:05:57 +0000

5 more ways to get Closure after a messy breakup There are many times in our life when we must find closure after a lost love, and it is always a difficult time. You will need to trust that closure will come no matter if all it takes is a conversation, or if you need … Continue reading

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5 more ways to get Closure after a messy breakup

There are many times in our life when we must find closure after a lost love, and it is always a difficult time.

You will need to trust that closure will come no matter if all it takes is a conversation, or if you need to have a psychic reading to help you out.

If you don’t let go and move on from a relationship, it can cause you to lack the emotional availability to let others into your life in future. You will know when you have had closure because it feels like a sense of finality and resolution.

Often, it gives you the ability to walk away understanding what you need to do to move on with your life.

This doesn’t have to mean you can let people in again right away, but that you can successfully focus on your own healing.

This blog will outline 5 common ways people choose to go about gaining closure. Every breakup is different, so these are not sure-fire rules that will feel like clockwork.

Closure takes time. It’s important to have the patience and tolerance that one day you will experience it.

Ask All The Questions

If you’re on speaking terms with your ex, closure can be received from a conversation. It can be tricky to do this straight after a breakup, because the angry and hurt feelings you experience towards each other are at their strongest and will overwhelm the conversation.

You will know in your heart when it is time to reach out for closure’s sake – it will be when you no longer think of them and feel rage build up, or long for what could have been.

When you have this conversation, the main thing you need to ask to gain closure – even though you may hate to hear the answers – is ‘why?’ This question has probably been burning inside you and you need to ask it to feel at peace.

By asking it, the aim is to finally understand the situation from their perspective, as closure comes through empathy. Ask all the questions you need to in order to begin to feel that empathy and try your hardest to be open to it.   

Find a Support System

A support system is key to gaining any closure, because after a break up you will often feel the need to vent, and you cannot move forward without letting out your emotions as they occur.

Whether it is a group of friends, a family member, or a beloved pet, make sure you have someone you can express your emotions to as they come.

A support system should be free of judgement, be able to comfort you in your time of need and let you vent without hesitation or anxieties.

They can be hard to find, so treasure your support system if you have one, but don’t waste time with those who don’t feel authentic with their support.

Write Letters

Letters are a powerful way to gain closure, and they can be a great alternative to a physical support system.

Let the person who hurt you know everything you are feeling. You don’t need to send them; just writing things down on paper is enough to get it out of your overwhelmed head.

Keeping a notebook and a pen handy when your hurt feelings are fresh is a really great idea.

This gives you the opportunity to write down your emotions as soon as they start to rise to the surface can provide you with a lot of clarity and free you of the harms that come with keeping things bottled up.

A Tactile Approach

This is one step further from writing letters. If words just aren’t cutting it, it’s time to take a tactile approach. One way to do this is to collect all the items that are left of the person who hurt you.

These can be photographic memories, gifts, their belongings – anything that is physical and that you still have hanging around. These items will have surely bothered you since being hurt and their presence is no longer necessary in your life.

It doesn’t matter that the piece of jewellery they gave you was expensive, or that you only have that one copy of a particular photograph of the two of you. In order to let go of that person from your life, you need to physically let go of the associations they hold.

Once you have collected the items, what you do with them will ultimately be how you symbolise your ability to let go. If you keep them in a box – in your room or in the attic, that’s not letting go as you are still hoarding these items. Throw them out!

Talk to a Psychic

If you are really struggling to gain closure and these tips have not helped, it could mean many things in accordance with the universe.

Maybe the two of you were not meant to be over just yet, or maybe there is still a lesson to be learned from your relationship that has not yet been learned.

Getting a psychic reading can assist you in deciphering what the universe is trying to tell you from this situation and aid you towards your correct path.

Get A Psychic Reading at Zenory Today

If you wish to speak to an online psychic to help you gain closure, our team of professional psychics are available at the click of a button. Find the psychic that is right for you and find closure today.

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To Let Go Of Your Soulmate – 15 Reasons: Number 9 Is A Must Sat, 30 Jun 2018 21:19:04 +0000

To let go of your soulmate – “Quote: Eventually soul-mates meet, for they have the same hiding place.”  Soulmate relationships are tough and to let go of your soulmate is especially hard.  When you love someone you want to be with, and for no reason you just don’t understand or agree with, they end it.  The longer you have … Continue reading

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To let go of your soulmate – “Quote: Eventually soul-mates meet, for they have the same hiding place.”

 Soulmate relationships are tough and to let go of your soulmate is especially hard.  When you love someone you want to be with, and for no reason you just don’t understand or agree with, they end it.  The longer you have been in the soulmate relationship, the more difficult it is to let go of your soulmate.

When soulmate relationships are formed, to let go of your soulmate can be devastating.  When you love and care for a soulmate beyond this physical realm, the intense and deep feeling to hold onto the connection can be destroying for the other soulmate.

A lot of people seem to believe that soulmate relationships are destined to last forever.  Just because someone is your soulmate, it doesn’t mean the relationship journey will be easy.  In actual fact, soulmate relationships require more work than any relationship. More than anything, soulmate relationships are meant to teach us lessons.

There is a common myth that most people think that soul mates cannot be broken and there is no reason for a soulmate relationship to end because of this strong connection between the two.

In this article, we have identified 15 reasons to help you let go of your soulmate.

1: Soulmate Runner – to let go of your soulmate

When your soulmate does a runner, don’t chase them.  Chasing them will only lead them to withdraw further, and delay the return time.

When you let them go, you give them the chance to think more, and create the space to miss you.

Giving them space and breaking the soulmate connection doesn’t mean that they won’t return.

In order for the soulmate relationship to grow, allowing good space will only help the healing process.  Once the two of you are both in a clear space and willing to engage in a relationship again, divine timing will bring the two of you back together again.

Meanwhile, you should look at ways to rebuild and empower yourself – take on activities that help you heal and grow as a person, things such as personal development courses, empowerment books, taking on some yoga classes, develop the mind and start taking care of yourself.

Still struggling? Seek guidance from a love psychic or soulmate psychic reader who can guide you through this process.  A love psychic can see what the future holds between you and your soulmate.  Seeking soulmate  guidance through a psychic reading online or soulmate tarot reading online can often bring more peace and understanding into the current situation and help clear up any confusion you may have.

2: The On and Off Soulmate Relationships

Does your soulmate come and go? On and off soulmate relationships are doomed and destined to fail.

When the relationship with your soulmate is on and off, this is a clear sign that you may need to let them go for now.  A relationship won’t work in the long run when you are trying to make one with in those conditions.

No one wants to be in an on and off relationship and if your soulmate wants to be in this relationship, it is time for you to end it.

3: Soulmate Trust Issues

Having trust issues can cause a lot of caos when your with a significant other.  Once the trust has been lost, it takes a lot of time to repair and for the trust to be regained.

Reinstating trust has to be done through action and not words.  If your soulmate wants to regain the trust back in your relationship, you should do this through action and not words.  Make sure that your soulmate is aware of this intention.

However if actions are not working out, it maybe time to let go.  As stated, soulmate miss trust can take a lot of time, so if your soulmate is willing to try to regain the faith, go for it.  If it becomes an issue and causes drama, it maybe time to let go.

Before you decide which way to go, you might want to also seek clarification from our soulmate psychics who can make it a more easier process to guide you through it.

4: Soulmate Jealousy

Does your soulmate get jealous when you hang out with your friends? Or when you choose to see your family for dinner?  Does your soulmate complain that you never make time for them, when you just about have time for them every other hour?

Jealousy is fear.  It doesn’t matter what kind of relationship you are in.  Family, friends, Coworkers, etc it all comes down to fear.

A fear of loss, losing your soulmate.  When your soulmate is jealous, it can be hard situation to control, like anything, just because your in a soulmate relationship doesn’t mean you have to bend down low to meet their standards.  Your soulmate needs to make changes to make the relationship better. Sometimes these things may make you want to let go of your soulmate.

5: Soulmate Love Triangles

If your soulmate relationship is caught up in a love triangle, it maybe a sign to end it.  No relationship is destined to work out in the long run when there is a third person in the equation.

No one wants a relationship with a third wheel and if you are currently in one, it maybe time to end it.

Soulmate love triangles can often start out as fun, but as feelings start to grow, someone is bound to end up hurt.

6: Soulmate Holding Onto An Ex

If your soulmate is still holding on to an ex lover, or previous partner, it maybe a sign you need to let go of your soulmate for now to allow your soulmate time to run the relationship to its cause.

The soulmate connection should enable you to leave a bad situation, however sometimes in most cases it works the other way around and often leaves us in bad situations.  It can be difficult to let go your soulmate. This is not a good way to honour your soulmate connection. When it comes down to it, you will be forced to put a stop to it to enable the other relationship to run its course.  Some soul-mates feel the pain of rejection when they are in this situation.

7: Soulmate Puts You Last

Does your soulmate treat you like an option? Do you feel alone in the relationship?  Does your soulmate care if they disappoint you?

Often they don’t if you are not a priority.  Deep down, we often know the relationship is over when you are feeling lonely and like you have already been dumped, but this is a valid sign of where you are on the list of what matters. Sometimes you may feel like you want to let go of your soulmate. This should be a clear call to end the soulmate relationship. When you put yourself first, you will not settle for any of this kind of behaviour.

8: Soulmate Narcissist

Narcissist behaviour can be hard to see or tell when you are fully invested in the soulmate relationship, especially with a connection so deep.  When your in a relationship with a narcissist they can use variety of emotional manipulation tactics to hook you and re-hook, and then string you along.

Narcissist can be hard to live with, they can destroy your confidence and make you feel worthless.  It is important to understand that a lot of narcissist behaviour stems from low self esteem, and is often pointed out to be a mental disorder.

To let go of your soulmate who is narcissist isn’t easy, and the soulmate relationship is likely to leave a serious dent to your self-esteem.  However, you need to not accept this kind of manipulating behaviour, and firstly recognise that the relationship needs to end right quickly.

Turning this around has to start with an end to the behaviour, and sometimes means to let go of your soulmate, letting go of the relationship completely in order for the soulmate to learn the hard lesson.  Soulmate relationships are already hard, but one with a narcissist can be worse. :

9: Soulmate Relationship Rejection

Rejection from a soulmate can really hurt, and if we allow our ego to deal with the situation we can whined up losing the soulmate completely.  Rejection doesn’t come down to who you are as a person, and only reflects the soulmate who is doing the rejection. So it is important to under the rejection that takes place.

One of the very reasons soulmate rejection occurs is because of the overwhelming flood of emotions that come with encountering ones soulmate.  You are never really prepared for a soulmate relationship and hence why when you are single it is important to prepare and use the time to prepare.

10: Soulmate Sabotage – to let go of your soulmate?

If your soulmate likes to sabotage your relationship all the time, by picking up fights with you for no reason every time, it maybe time to walk away and to let go of your soulmate.

Creating the space between the both of you may give your soulmate the wake up call that is needed.  Allowing space can often help bring the soulmate to their senses, and when they are ready to be an adult, the relationship will be at a better place to rekindle.

11: Soulmate Toxic Relationship

If your soulmate shows raw signs of toxic relationships with their friends or family, this is a total red flag, and you need to let them go.

If your soulmate is allowing this kind of toxic relationship into their environment, it is sure to enter into your relationship, and is best to step down until the relationship with their family and friends has gained some control.

12: The Soulmate Commitment

If your soulmate is struggling to commit or give the relationship with you a fair go, it maybe time to let go.  Your soulmate may possibly be seeing someone else, or could be holding back because they want to keep an open relationship.

Either way, this won’t allow you the time to build a solid relationship.  If you are allowing or enabling your soulmate to do this, it is time to cut it.  Your soulmate may only be doing it to take advantage of your good intentions.

13: The Soulmate Manipulation

There are multiple signs to spot soulmate manipulation, however when it comes to soul mates being manipulated whilst in the relationship, due to the strong connection we often let it slide.   This is not a way to accept behaviour from a soulmate and needs to end.

When you hear the words: “Well if you really loved me.” This is one of the worst and most common forms of soulmate or relationship manipulation.  The manipulation works to make you prove to your soulmate over and over again by giving them what they want.  Bow out.

This kind of relationship is not something that can be sustained and needs to be cut.  Allow time away, in order for you soulmate to come to this realisation. Either way, something has to change with this dynamic.

14: The Soulmate Closed Off Emotion

If your soulmate is always closed off, and doesn’t want to open up their emotions, then it maybe a good time to end it.  This can often lead to signs that the soulmate is using you for a booty call, or friends with benefits.

You may have a gut feeling that your soulmate feels the same way about you, but are too scared to face their true feelings.  This is a sign that you need to end it with them, until they are ready to admit their true feelings.

15: The Soulmate Dead End Relationship

A lot of people seem to believe that soul mates are destined to last forever.  Just because someone is your soulmate, it doesn’t mean the relationship journey will be easy or in fact last forever.  Again, soulmate relationships require more work then any other relationship and most often don’t last because of the work that is required.  When they realise this the soulmate relationship wears itself out and becomes dead end.  Coming to this realising can be difficult, and make you feel miserable.

So how can you tell if your soulmate relationship is at a dead end?

  • You may find that you try to fix one problem, and another problem will arise.
  • You met your soulmate, but timing has made it difficult to bring the two of you together because your both holding onto other relationships
  • Break up after break up and on and off relationships are a sure sign.  Always getting back together and ending the soulmate relationship
  • Your soulmate may not be ready emotionally
  • Your soulmate cheated, and therefore the trust has broken between the two of you, and can never be repaired
  • Your soulmate puts you last
  • Your soulmate won’t make any effort


To let go of your soulmate can be tough ride to go through on your own, reach out to a love psychic or soulmate specialist who can give you the guidance you need to proceed forward with peace and confidence.  A Psychic reading online is also available at the click of a button via phone reading or chat.   Seeking answers through a tarot reading can give you insights into how you can conquer life in its troubling times.


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9 Essential Facts You Need To Consider in 2018 Before You Get Back With Your Soulmate Wed, 14 Mar 2018 07:08:13 +0000

9 Essential Facts You Need To Consider in 2018 Before You Get Back With Your Soulmate Even if you think you have found your soulmate, there are always going to be bumps in the road large enough to throw you temporarily off course. Relationships aren’t always perfect. Getting back together with a soulmate or ex … Continue reading

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9 Essential Facts You Need To Consider in 2018 Before You Get Back With Your Soulmate

Even if you think you have found your soulmate, there are always going to be bumps in the road large enough to throw you temporarily off course.

Relationships aren’t always perfect.

Getting back together with a soulmate or ex partner is always a tough situation and something that you are considering doing, you should read through these 9 essential steps before you consider getting back together with your soulmate.  No matter where you left of in your relationship, it is never easy to pick up and move forward and address those awkward situations.

You might split up for a time but find yourself getting back together later when you both have changed and grown through the soulmate process.

If you are thinking of rekindling an old flame, make sure to do so using these crucial steps if you want the relationship to stick this time. Remember, there is a reason, no matter how big or small, that you broke up the first time. You don’t want to make the mistake of getting back together just to fall right back into bad habits.

Take Your Time

Getting back together can be exciting and emotional at the same time. Don’t rush into a physical relationship right away or let yourself be swept up in emotions that blind you to what is going on.  Just because you were together in the past doesn’t mean you need to speed through the stages of a relationship to pick up where you left off.  You both need time to adjust to the rekindled relationship.

Don’t Treat This Like A Brand New Relationship

Unlike when you first met, you are walking into this relationship with your eyes wide open. You already know each other so this time go deeper. Get to know them in a new light, see them for what they have become while you were apart. Share with them the differences in yourself as well.

Be Honest About The Gap

Depending on how long you’ve been apart, you or your partner might have moved on or at least tried to move on while you were broken up. While your rational mind accepts the fact that your soulmate dated while you were apart, it can still be shocking and hurtful to hear about it. Be upfront about the dating you did while the two of you were apart. It is better to know now and get it out of the way so you can build a new relationship together.

Know Why You Want To Get Back Together

Some relationships aren’t worth rekindling. If you felt betrayed, abused or neglected in your old relationship it might be best to let the past be. If you broke up for a small reason in the heat of the moment, you might regret your decision to split up. Don’t get back together with an ex just because you are lonely or haven’t had any good dates since breaking up. Get back together for the right reasons.

Talk About Old Issues

If there were specific things that upset you before breaking up the first time, now is the time to talk calmly and rationally about those issues. You were probably too upset during the breakup to have a civil conversation but now that you’ve had time to cool off, make sure to communicate how you felt about what ended your past relationship.

Let The Past Go

Once you have completed step number 5 (talk about old issues) let them go. Do not carry old baggage into the relationship. Do not use arguments you had during your first relationship against your partner now that you are back together. You’ve talked about the issues in your past, now it is time to move forward.

Avoid Old Habits

You and your soulmate broke up for a reason. If that reason was being blind or negligent to your partners needs, make sure not to fall into old habits by taking each other for granted this time around. Don’t repeat old patterns of being late, skipping out on plans, flirting with other people or anything else that drove you break up before.

Don’t Try To Change The Other Person

Only get back together with your ex once you have changed and grown as a person. Use the time between relationships to grow stronger and work on your own issues. Do not take your ex back and expect them to change. You cannot control another person’s actions. You need to realize that going in. If you have changed and they haven’t, maybe it’s not the right time to get back together.

Build New Memories

Now the fun part. Build new memories with your soulmate. Go on dates to places you’ve never been before. Eat at new restaurants and go on new adventures. Build happy memories that symbolize the personal growth you both have achieved that allowed you to get back together with new strength.

If your thinking of getting back together with your soulmate and need insight into the relationship, try one of our soulmate specialists for an online psychic reading.  Seeking psychic advice online is easy, fast and secure at Zenory.

A psychic reading with a love psychic can give major insight into potential love outcomes with your soulmate.  A soulmate psychic reading can provide honest and non-judgemental guidance into the future of your soulmate relationship.

If you enjoyed this article, make sure to check out:

Are You Truly Ready For A Soulmate Relationship?
Way’s To Tell if your Ex is Stalking You on Facebook

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Are You Truly Ready For A Soulmate Relationship? Sun, 25 Feb 2018 15:00:11 +0000

The truth is, soulmate relationships are difficult.   So how do you know if your soulmate ready? Soulmate relationships require work from both parties to prepare for a life long journey that the universe has planned from the spiritual realm. What is a soulmate?  When we think or hear of the word soulmate, we think of … Continue reading

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The truth is, soulmate relationships are difficult.   So how do you know if your soulmate ready?

Soulmate relationships require work from both parties to prepare for a life long journey that the universe has planned from the spiritual realm.

What is a soulmate?  When we think or hear of the word soulmate, we think of the person we desire the most to be with in this life time and live happily ever after.

The true definition of a soulmate is someone whom we have a past life and spiritual connection with or karmic relationship.

These connections are like no other and when we reconnect in this life time, the connections are felt from a deeper level of spiritual essence.

When you meet your soulmate.  You connect instantly.  The feelings are that you have met this person before.  The likely hood for this meeting is from a past life experience.

A soulmate will show up in your life when you are truly ready from the soul level.

When the soul recognises another soulmate, they often have similarities on a spiritual level, which leads to difficult lessons that need to be shaped here in the physical realm.

Soulmates are meant to teach us a lesson, and often meant to help us grow in life.

The lessons from a soulmate can be painful, and often lead to soulmate heartbreak.

How do you know if you are truly ready for a soulmate relationship?

It can be frustrating when you see family and friends around happy in love with their soulmate  while all you find are quick sparks of love that never build to a solid relationship, let alone soulmate connections.

Hollywood movies and romance novels make it look far too easy to find your soulmate these days, which often leads to disappointment.

The first thing you need to do to bring forth your soulmate is to let go of the expectations from yourself to find “the one”.  You must release this energy and work on yourself first and foremost.

Download This Step By Step Guide: How To Manifest Your Soulmate

Comparing yourself with others, also needs to go.  Comparing yourself with expectations that just don’t exist can leave you feeling worthless and make you feel hopeless.

To find love and the right type of love that is best suited for you, you must think and create good thoughts in your mind to bring this person into your life.

Most people want to be with someone who is happy, and positive – most of the time.

Not with someone who carries negative energy around and constantly bringing the relationship down.

So firstly, you should engage in becoming a positive force within yourself.

In a nutshel, the best way to bring a soulmate into your life, is by working on yourself.

There are many ways you can go about working on yourself, you can take a course on personal growth, get to know yourself and read books on how to manifest soulmates.  Learn about meditation practices.  Sign up to that yoga classes.

Take a walk in nature – anything to enhance area of self-development and personal growth, will help you draw your soulmate to you.

How Do You Know When Your Ready?

Your soul knows when the time is ready to meet your soulmate.

There are first and foremost important lessons that you need to learn before the soulmate enters your life.

You should use this opportunity to work on yourself.  When the soulmate enters your life, you are more than ready.

This will sound counter-intuitive but people spend too much time searching for love.

They hang out at bars, or search apps like tinder or jump to dating sites endlessly scrolling.

Your Soulmate will enter your life when you least expect it and are not actively looking for it.

Your willingness to better yourself will let the universes know that you are ready for your soulmate to find you.

As you learn more about yourself, the universe will naturally start to bring you and your soulmate together.

Finding your true soulmate takes time and teaches you patience.

Manifesting true love or your soulmate is not in your control.

Give up control to the universe, focus on self-care and self-improvement in order to open the door to your one and only life partner.

Dealing with relationship loss of a soulmate, and then trying to manifest a soulmate relationship can be difficult without guidance.

At Zenory Psychics, we make this journey easy by offering love psychic readings for those seeking soulmate advice.

Our psychics readings with accurate tarot readers and spiritual healers are here to guide you with confidence and peace when it comes to dealing with matters of the heart.

Soulmate relationships take time, and require a lot of preparation, changed habits through personal growth to name a few.

Our psychic blog also has a lot of resources and articles around love and relationship psychic readings that you can turn to for free psychic guidance.

If you enjoyed this article, make sure to check out:  Are You Getting In The Way Of Manifesting Your Soulmate?

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2018 Steps To Dealing With Emotionally Unavailable Men Sun, 04 Feb 2018 09:00:06 +0000

Are you too available for him? Emotionally Unavailable Men simply put, can be tough!  He’s not available to spend time with you, yet he makes it a point or a priority to see a friend, Friday night after work drinks, breakfast with his mother, but makes no fuss about completely writing you off?   When he starts to disengage … Continue reading

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Are you too available for him? Emotionally Unavailable Men simply put, can be tough!  He’s not available to spend time with you, yet he makes it a point or a priority to see a friend, Friday night after work drinks, breakfast with his mother, but makes no fuss about completely writing you off?  

When he starts to disengage in the relationship, he will make no plans in setting up an alternative date with you.  

Dealing with emotionally unavailable men can be frustrating and ultimately confusing.  When you have invested your time, your heart into the relationship, then he pulls the rug  from right under your feet, can leave you feeling devastated.

Anyone who has been in a situation with emotionally unavailable men will know how frustrating it can be.

Dealing with emotionally unavailable men can leave you feeling as if you go above and beyond to do things for the one guy, but this ass wipe doesn’t return the favour.

Yes, we can’t help who we fall in love with.  However, we can learn from these experiences on dealing with emotionally unavailable men and moving forward we are more aware of the kind of relationships we want to avoid in the future. (easier said then done) 

New love can be powerful and emotional at its best but also it can be overwhelming and depressing.  That is because the people we fall in love with don’t always return that love, or they are unable to love due to facing their own personal problems.

Some women make the mistake of thinking that the man they love will change over time or will come around if she just wait for him to change and making excuses to justify the changes.

They make themselves completely available and open to a loved one that might never be ready to join them, which always ends up leading to heartbreak.

How can you tell if the man you are in love with is emotionally unavailable?

psychic reading online

Here are a few things to look out for:

  • He drops in and out of your life, with no explanation.  Everything seems to be going so well, and then out of know where poof he drops the rug from right under your nose.
  •   He takes forever to answer texts or calls, if he answers them at all
  •   He isn’t interested in meeting your family or friends
  •   He never asks you on a date, you only meet for sex (the “hookup”)
  •   He never talks about his feeling and starts to act uncomfortable if you talk about your own feelings or ask him what he is thinking or feeling.
  •   He is already in another relationship (he’s married, separated, recently divorced or in love with another women he’s can’t have)

For your own happiness, it is important to realise that not every man you fall in love with will love you back or put in the same amount of effort.    It is said that we always look for that one person who is a mirror of their own father.

It’s OK to walk away from a relationship that is hurting you.  Trying to force them to change or waiting for them to change never works out the way you expect it to and they could end up resenting you for it.   Above all, protect your heart and start putting yourself first.

If this is a new relationship or one that has been leading nowhere for a while, it’s time to move on.

Start by deciding what you want.

Do you want an exclusive relationship?

Do you want to move from friends to lovers?

After you know what you want, set some ground rules with yourself.

Decided to let him make the next move, or simply to stop rushing to answer his texts when he makes no effort to communicate with you unless it’s on his terms.  Talk to him about what you want and about your ground rules, simply and clearly.

If he makes no effort to open up to you, don’t chase him down, simply take your heart and move on.

The soulmate you’ve been looking for is still out there waiting for you.

Feeling too available of an unavailable man or lover can get us down, and by consulting a love psychic for a love psychic reading about your situation can guide you through the answers that you seek.

Reach out to one of our online psychics at Zenory. 

All psychics and tarot readers can guide you through your next step.  

Should you move on and let go? Or should you wait it out?  Is it worth waiting?  

Or should you drop it once and for all.

The answers might not always be pleasant, but the guidance through a psychic reading will be delivered with compassion and empathy to move you into a position of power.  

You don’t have to feel stuck any longer consult our psychics for some quality psychic advice.

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Crystals Used For Psychic Readings Sat, 16 Dec 2017 08:51:41 +0000

Crystals are often used by many psychics during psychic readings. Many psychic readers use different tools and special gifts they possess for each psychic reading. Psychic readings with crystals are another way psychics can gain insight and information. They can then pass this along to clients and can be quite useful to them. Many psychics … Continue reading

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Crystals are often used by many psychics during psychic readings.

Many psychic readers use different tools and special gifts they possess for each psychic reading.

Psychic readings with crystals are another way psychics can gain insight and information.

They can then pass this along to clients and can be quite useful to them.

Many psychics even use their crystals on their alters.  Some psychics use crystals in jewellery they wear and to assist them in meditation.

Some psychics even have crystal balls!

Some psychics have wands and pendulums with crystals they use for psychic readings.

Psychic readings can include the use of such crystals as quartz, rose quartz, tigers eye, citrine, amethyst, and so many, many more.

During a psychic reading a reader may recommend to a client that they purchase certain crystals.

A reputable psychic will only suggest inexpensive ones that the client can buy at a store or online.

These can be used for protection, healing and for other various reasons that will be helpful for the client. Each zodiac sign also has a crystal to go with it. Some say that purchasing crystals should be a very hands on experience.

Some suggest you should pay close attention to what you are drawn to, and feel free to touch each one and get what feels right to you.

People that need to feel more grounded, want help in manifesting or meditation, or wish to change or balance the energy around you often buy them. Many crystals have multiple healing qualities but some are better than others.

Topaz for instance, is a great for those in need of strength both inner strength and physical strength. Citrine has been said to be a great manifesting crystal. Lapis can be great for meditation purposes.

Psychic readers make sure to keep their crystals clean, and so should you.

Simply running them under water will do the trick. Psychic readings and a Tarot Reading with crystals can help one regain balance, strength and a sense of well being back into their lives.

To start this process, you can try one of our qualified psychics from the comfort of your home wether you are based in California and looking for a psychic reading, or New York,  Australia or New Zealand, our psychics and tarot readers are available to you at just a click of a button.


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Are You Getting In The Way Of Manifesting Your Soulmate? Sat, 02 Dec 2017 06:22:07 +0000

Many people want to attract or manifest their soulmate into their life, at most times we long for a deep desire to connect with someone on a spiritual level, such is our soulmate.  However, during your time alone, before the universe will bring this soul into your life, you should know these 5 common factors … Continue reading

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Many people want to attract or manifest their soulmate into their life, at most times we long for a deep desire to connect with someone on a spiritual level, such is our soulmate.  However, during your time alone, before the universe will bring this soul into your life, you should know these 5 common factors that could be preventing you from manifesting your soulmate.

Download This Proven Cheat Sheet: To Attract Your Soulmate

Relationships are like food to the soul, essential for its growth and invariably necessary for our sustenance as a person.

If the soul is happy, the individual regardless of the prevailing societal and physical setting is happy; it’s the reason why people who have found their soulmates; that final piece to the Jigsaw puzzle that is their lives radiate nothing short of a blissful aura.

For those who are yet to find this perfect complement to their lives, life can be lackluster and fleeting. If you fall into this category, here are the top five reasons as to why manifesting your soulmate has been a fruitless endeavor so far.

Love yourself first

Your soulmate is the one who loves and cherish you for the person you are, irrespective of your flaws and perfections. How then can you connect with such an individual if your real persona is constantly veiled?

Granted, life forces even the most resilient of us to create an emotional blockade in a bid to prevent the reoccurrence of previously less than pleasurable experiences.

The realisation that such a barrier effectively transforms you from a being capable of infinite love to one with a constrained view of life is critical to the furtherance of your journey towards finding a soulmate.

Your soulmate is attracted to your real persona. If you exude anything other than this in your day to day life, you are most likely to attract the wrong set of individuals; who are bound to waste your time and potentiate further emotional scarring and invariably the building of even taller blockades.

It takes work  

As much as finding a soulmate is often described with the cliché ‘they will come to you’ phrase, it is imperative to note that in most instances this is far from what is obtainable in reality. Locating your treasured missing rib takes effort, it takes commitment, and sacrifice.

The saying ‘nothing good comes easy’ comes to mind; the right soulmate, the perfect fit, do not come easy.

For sure they are not delivered on a platter of gold if anything you’ve got to fashion out the golden platter on which they’d land when they come; in other words, you’ve got to take the necessary steps to accommodate your soul mate when they do arrive. Many an instance where individuals have lost their prospective soulmates due to negligence.

Emotionally Unavailable

It takes an emotionally sound mind to locate and abhor/accommodate a soulmate. And while most singles (including you) identify themselves as emotionally matured, in the real sense they are not.

Emotional maturity is not centred on how many relationships or experiences you’ve had in the past, it is more of how capable you are at dealing with relationships and their accompanying issues.

A matured individual in this sense is one who is ready to take up responsibilities; one who is willing to forgive and also keep an open mind. This doesn’t mean you have to be perfect in all ramifications; it just means that you have to invest more time in developing yourself.

Picture yourself as your partner, and work on those qualities you require your dream soulmate to have.

Staying Isolated

Maybe due to past experiences or perhaps because of your very nature you’ve made a habit of separating yourself from everyone including those that love you.

This psyche aptly described as being a loner isolates you from experiencing the feeling of being loved; a feeling that is critical to finding a soul mate. It is when you’re loved that you can love back and it is in this atmosphere of mutual love and friendship that soulmate relationships thrive.

Holding Onto The Past 

It’s a tough and mentally demanding task to let go of the past, especially when it is filled with pleasant memories made with someone whom we once loved dearly.

Reliving those memories and wishing things returned to the way they were, clouds your sense of judgment and ultimately shuts the door of healthy relationships in your life.

If you’re going to find your soulmate, you have to let go of the past, no matter how difficult it seems realize that if that person were indeed your soulmate, he/she would still be here by your side in the present.

Talking with a online psychic can help you weed through the struggles you might be facing when it comes to love.  Our love psychics can guide you through a soulmate psychic reading, or a online tarot reading to help you find the factors that might be preventing you from manifesting your soulmate.

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Has Your Soulmate Lost Respect For You? Wed, 15 Nov 2017 19:48:29 +0000

Has Your Soulmate Lost Respect For You? You feel as if you’ve been waiting your whole life for your soulmate and the attraction you feel for them is sudden and strong. So what happens if the person you love loses respect for you over time? Most relationships start off in a honeymoon phase where both … Continue reading

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Has Your Soulmate Lost Respect For You?

You feel as if you’ve been waiting your whole life for your soulmate and the attraction you feel for them is sudden and strong. So what happens if the person you love loses respect for you over time?

Most relationships start off in a honeymoon phase where both partners are on their best behavior, sharing their very best version of themselves with each other.  Respect in a relationship means that both partners see value in the other person.

A respectful relationship is based on honesty and makes you feel safe and loved. Sometimes, however, one soulmate can start to put their own value above their soulmate partner and this is where a perfectly good soulmate relationship can turn toxic.

A toxic relationship can make you feel depressed and unworthy.

You could start to physically have low energy and withdraw from family and friends. If you sense this is happening to you, look for these clues in your relationship that will help you determine if your soulmate has lost respect for you.

Top Three Signs of a Toxic Relationship

  • Unreliable

    your soulmate doesn’t call for days, is frequently late to dates or reschedules at the last minute often. You cannot count on them to be there for you when you need them most.

  • Disrespectful Words or Actions

    they are no longer polite, they call you names, belittle your dreams or talk badly about your friends and family. They may talk to you as if you are inferior, less intelligent or beneath them.

  • Manipulative

    your partner tries to start arguments, makes you feel like you are to blame for everything negative that happens, turns friends or family against you or often lies to you.

When you are intensely attracted to someone or love them deeply, it can be easy to ignore or explain away the early signs of disrespect in a relationship. It is important for you to remember that you are not at fault and you deserve to be treated with respect at all times, especially by your lover.

Once you have recognized one or more of the red flags above, it is time to turn things around quickly before it gets worse.

Set clear and specific boundaries with your soulmate.  Let them know that continued disrespect will no longer be tolerated.

Stick to your guns, do not let your love for your soulmate cloud your judgement and keep you in an unhealthy toxic relationship that will harm you mentally or physically in the long run.

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How To Let Go Of Control And Expectations In A Relationship Sat, 07 Oct 2017 23:58:15 +0000

How to let go of control and expectations in a relationship Letting go of control and expectations in a relationship is one thing. It is impossible for humans to exist without any type of relationship.  All humans are in one form of relationships or the other. Examples of this include family relationships. Some are also … Continue reading

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How to let go of control and expectations in a relationship

Letting go of control and expectations in a relationship is one thing.

It is impossible for humans to exist without any type of relationship.  All humans are in one form of relationships or the other.

Examples of this include family relationships.

Some are also in a relationship by virtue of living in the same neighbourhood or working together.  There’s also the aspect of being in a romantic relationship. Specific threads run in all these different types of relationships. The threads have to do with gaining control and having expectations.

It’s normal to have expectations in any relationship that you’re in.

It is also normal to have some sort of control over any relationship.

Some people share their expectations with those they are in a relationship with. Other people keep their expectations to themselves. Similarly, some people are not afraid to show that they are in control while others hesitate for fear of not being seen as too overbearing. S

Striking the balance between these situations is a problem for many people. That explains why many people would like to know how to let go of control and expectations in a relationship.

Firstly, it starts with yourself.  If you are open and willing to accept that you maybe pushing people away or even your loved one as a result of your own controlling behaviour and high expectations take a read of our article on 21 reasons why you are pushing people away.

When loved ones cannot meet your expectations and you lose all control, anger takes over.

Again, that shows the importance of learning to cede a bit of ground.

Failure to let go can put you in serious problems. It can leave you struggling with pain when everybody else thinks you are happy.

It can destroy friendships that took ages to build.

It can destroy families that have been a long time in the making. It can turn your heart cold because you believe the other person you’re in a relationship with does not care. Failing to let go can mess your life up.

So, here is what you should do to let go of control and expectations in your relationships.

  • Approach Relationships with Zero Expectations

First, make sure that your need for controlling others and the expectations you have are:

  1. Built on solid foundations
  2. Realistic
  3. Attainable

Therefore, have zero expectations. This doesn’t mean you should go through life – and your relationships – with a laissez faire attitude. No, it simply means you are open enough and ready for whatever life throws your way.

Live life with an open mind. Determine to go with the flow. Relationships are not based on what one party only does. They depend on what the two – or more – people who are in the relationships do.

Go through the relationships with the clear understanding of the unpredictability of humans.

Humans are not machines. Humans are not robotic. People wake up each morning with a fresh set of fears.

People go through emotional rollercoaster.

Do not be shocked – too shocked, that is – when the person you left yesterday feeling happy and excited about you suddenly shows up not wanting to speak with you. All these confusing habits are part of what it means to be in a relationship with another human.

  • Avoid Trying to Control Everybody or Everything

Secondly, it’s impossible for a single human to be in complete control over everything.

Any person who tries to control everything will soon burn out.  Such a person will not be helpful in the relationship. Ironically, such people end up losing the control they wanted to display in the first place.

They end up disappointed to notice other people not giving as much as they do. They begin comparing themselves with others and realize that the relationship is not 50/50 as it should but only one party seems to be doing all the work.

At times, it is better to accept that your way is not the only option.

There are times when you will be better off accepting that another idea could just be as good.

  • Be Flexible and Open-Minded

Third, flexibility is crucial for the success of any relationship.

Be flexible in all your relationships. Don’t just stick to one way of doing things.  Be open to the idea that the other person also has feelings and thoughts that differ from yours fundamentally.

Flexibility also involves a bit of detachment from the outcomes. Some people end up suffering greatly in relationships for the simple reason they have an unhealthy attachment to outcomes. If you are such a person, it will not be long before you begin suffering.

Open your mind to all the possible outcomes.

Do not be afraid to experiment.

Find a way of making yourself capable of adjusting where necessary.

For example, appreciate the fact your partner can cancel a dinner date at the last minute. Your partner does this – not out of disrespect to you – but probably because something more urgent came up.

Do not throw a tantrum because somebody now asks to meet you later than the time you agreed on previously. Instead, use the additional time that’s now in your hand to do something else.

Effect of Letting Control and Expectations Go

Anybody who takes any of the measures prescribed here will soon begin enjoying healthier relationships all through. Taking the measures highlighted above is the first step to repairing a friendship or relationship that has been on the rocks for a long time.

While following this piece of advice, remember not to appear or act indifferent. It is so easy to make the situation worse even when your intentions are sincere and pure.

Therefore, stop expecting others to think or behave like you.

Stop thinking that you are too superior to everybody else.

Forgive those who hurt you. Do not hold grudges in your heart towards anyone.

Remember to live open-minded. Approach all your relationships with an open-mind.

After all, life is not a series of straight lines. It is replete with interruptions, twists and turns.

A psychic reading can help or guide you through this struggle.  We know that letting go of expectations especially in relationships with others can be a hard thing to work through, and sometimes can lead your relationship into the garbage.  By consulting with a psychic or for a love psychic reading with one of our love tarot readers can put you onto the right track and give you some insight and guidance on how you can go about letting these expectations go.

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