Twin Flames Sun, 29 Dec 2019 05:45:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Twin Flame Connections and the Divine Purpose Sun, 29 Dec 2019 05:45:36 +0000

A twin flame love and connection is rare, magical and unique. We have many soulmates in one lifetime but only a few, or one, special twin flame. This is because the twin flame love and bond vibrates at a powerful and supreme frequency; there is no connection quite like it. Without further ado, let’s explore … Continue reading

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A twin flame love and connection is rare, magical and unique. We have many soulmates in one lifetime but only a few, or one, special twin flame. This is because the twin flame love and bond vibrates at a powerful and supreme frequency; there is no connection quite like it.

Without further ado, let’s explore the twin flame connection in all of its beauty and glory.

What is the difference between a Soulmate and a Twinflame?

Soulmates are here to teach us a lesson, to teach us about aspects of our self and our journey. A soulmate bond shows itself so we can learn, evolve and heal – we can transcend lower vibrational ways of being, behavior and thought through soulmate connections.

Soulmate love or bonds may come into our lives for deep healing and releasing. For example, we may still be holding onto emotional blocks, issues and trauma which a soulmate can help us release.

We alternatively may have outdated, limiting or self- destructive beliefs and mindsets preventing our evolution and self or spiritual development. A soulmate connection helps us transcend this.

Soulmates are also here to show us the “unseen” and invisible parts of self, particularly in relation to soul and spirit.

Maybe you are just beginning your spiritual journey and awakening, or are new to meditation, metaphysical teachings and ancient wisdom, so a soulmate enters your life to guide you along your path.

Or, perhaps you are literally in need of some very obvious healing and you therefore attract a soulmate for personal transformation and growth, someone more mature and further along their own path? Hopefully these few examples give an accurate idea of the purpose and essence of a soulmate connection.

A twinflame bond, however, is the next stage and step in your evolutionary journey. You ultimately only come together with a twin flame once you have done the healing work yourself.

The healing work is referring to the years and copious amounts of energy, self- love and healing taken towards healing your mind, body and spirit. Also, your mental body, emotional body, physical body, spiritual body and aura/ astral and etheric existence.

Your twin flame is your reflection, your mirror and your soul’s counterpart. You share the same foundational vibrational energy and essence, beliefs and dreams, goals and wishes, philosophies and perspectives, and quite possibly gifts, talents and soul abilities.

Sacredness and divinity are the underlying core threads to your bond and love, and you both primarily operate from your higher self.

Sacredness and Divine Union

Expanding on, twin flame love is very, very sacred and special. It is similar to the special bond shared between soulmates, however goes a step above and beyond.

Synonyms for sacred include holy, devotional and spiritual, and this is exactly what the twin flame connection is and represents. When two twins come together in love, intimacy and holy union there is an element of divine union- a sacred union of two souls recognizing each other and how they have walked together many times before.

Twin flames know each other, they have shared past lives and will share future lives. There are two main purposes of twin flame love. Let’s explore these now.

Purpose 1: To experience love and happiness on the highest of planes

Experiencing love, joy, connection and happiness on the highest possible frequency- in the strongest vibration- is ultimately one of the main purposes of the twin flame sacred union.

The ecstasy, bliss and sense of holy union felt and experienced by both twins is simply indescribable, it is one of the most, if not the most, highest expression of joy, love and liberation known to mankind.

There is a feeling of transcendental awareness and higher knowing with a twin flame union, and this is intuitively and instinctively known by both partners.

Instincts are strong and on point, intuition is activated and integrated, and both partners operate with a sense of spiritual and divine knowing and recognition. This recognition is of their connection and love, part and place in the world, and of the spiritual energy that permeates life itself.

Finally, both twins in the twin flame sacred union act, speak and perceive with soul- they are wholly aware of their soulful and timeless essence.

Concepts such as multidimensionality, infinite being, non- linear time and eternal nature are not only understood but also embodied.

They are aware that their love exists and stems beyond time and space. On the earth plane, the laughter, sheer joy and divine union that exists between them is of the highest expression.

There is no bickering, judgements or “lower” behaviors and emotional displays such as in karmic or even some soulmate relationships & bonds; they have transcended the lower dimensional states of being and risen higher, in love.

Purpose 2: To come together in divine and sacred union for a shared mission or purpose

Having a shared mission or purpose is fundamental to the twin flame bond. This is something which separates and distinguishes a true twin flame connection to a soulmate or karmic one.

Twinflames are birthed from the same cosmic DNA, the same energetic frequency and soulful essence. So they share the same skills, talents, motivation and intentions for humanity and planet earth.

Examples: two humanitarian aid workers travelling the world to be of assistance to those in need… two musicians or artists of some kind with a shared mission… two healers, shamans or spiritual healers with the same intentions and skillset, being of service to benefit others.

Or two eco- activists sharing their love and passion for healing and helping the earth with communities and sustainable organizations. These are just a few possibilities, but hopefully you get the idea!

The twin flame bond is birthed first and foremost from soul and spirit, the essence of both being and our human physical reality.

Some relationships are birthed from purely physicality or primal wants and needs, therefore there will be issues, imbalances and distortions in many other essential elements and aspects of life, and the relationship.

Some relationships are formed from solely mental or emotional similarities, henceforth- again- a sense of holism (all- encompassing/ complete) will be missing.

But with a twin flame love two souls have come together from a balanced, integrated and pure state of mind, body, heart and soul. Like the well known analogy of “the onion,” they have not had to peel away the layers to get to the core; they were already in touch and tune with their core and met (came together in divine sacred union) from that level.

Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine

The divine masculine and divine feminine are two well known concepts for anyone familiar with new age terms and speech. And these are integral concepts of the twin flame connection.

We are all said to operate as primary masculine and feminine. It is usually the case that if we are male, we are more masculinely inclined and, if we are female, more femininely inclined and oriented. We also have astrological and celestial influences, such as our ruling planet.

For example, if you are Cancer you are more feminine as the Moon is Cancer’s ruling planet, and the Moon is of a negative or feminine polarity. If you are Aries you are more masculinely inclined as Aries is ruled by Mars, a positive/ masculine polarity planet.

Yet, with  twin flame sacred union both twins are balanced within. There is unity within and this then reflects outwards into your relationship.

With a twin flame relationship or sacred union both twins are balanced within. Divine masculine and feminine qualities are balanced, merged, harmonized and integrated/ embodied, and this reflects outwards into the relationship. Thus, the twin flame bond is symbolized by a coming together of dual forces, a unity within duality.

This means that duality, wholeness and completion are key themes with the twin flame connection.

The divine masculine and divine feminine are two aspects of one circle, and this metaphorical circle is present within each twin first and further within the relationship/ connection.

Completion can also be seen to be present because to find and merge on all levels with your twin flame is to complete an important stage in the soul’s evolutionary journey.

Mental, emotional, physical and spiritual healing must be present and have had occurred, and achieving wholeness, balance and integration within must also be achieved before the same qualities can be reflected externally to a partner.

This means that masculine and feminine energies need to be completely healed, balanced and integrated before you can “vibe” on the same level (frequency) with a partner.

Below are some key characteristics of the divine masculine and divine feminine. To show their power and significance, we have include some potential dualistic (opposing) behaviors and characteristics of the wounded masculine and wounded feminine, which are often seen in karmic or less evolved relationships.

These can also help you to understand the twin flame bond better in all of its magnificence!

Divine Masculine

  • Present and aware
  • Protective, caring and supporting
  • Strong sense of purpose
  • Capable of empathy and emotional connection
  • Discerning and decisive

Wounded Masculine (Non- Twin Flame)

  • Manipulative, lacking empathy and awareness
  • Forceful, domineering and dominant
  • Controlling and demanding
  • Completely detached from divine feminine qualities
  • Over- doing, over- thinking, uncontrolled and imbalanced 

Divine Feminine

  • Intuitive & instinctual
  • Expressive and radiant
  • Compassionate and empathic
  • Creative
  • Adaptable, balanced and compromising

Wounded Feminine (Non- Twin Flame)

  • Disconnected from feelings and emotions, repressed
  • Shame, guilt- driven, and unworthy. Low self- esteem
  • Weak boundaries
  • Codependent, always apologizing and over- explaining
  • Inflexible, stubborn, insecure and fearful of masculine qualities, or men in general. Alternatively, overly masculine and aggressive

These lists are just a rough representation of the divine masculine and feminine qualities within us all.

Telepathy and telepathic connection

Telepathy is the ability to know what someone else is thinking, feeling and operating on the inner levels of being.

It can almost be seen as an advanced form of empathy and it is something that twin flames possess. You and your twin may just know when the other is about to call, or show up at your door unannounced.

You will most likely be able to feel what they are feeling from afar, such as experiencing extreme or intense feelings the moment they do. Your telepathic connection is a psychic gift which connects you through time and space.

You may be aware that dolphins use a supersonic special radar to communicate through the ocean’s waves. You may also be aware that snakes can sense energy and subtle vibration through their tongues, or that bats use echolocation to “see” sounds.

Well, these may give you a clearer image of twin flame telepathy. In essence, these examples and many more are what twin flames can do and are capable of, and further what many experience on a day to day basis.

The power and significance of telepathy amongst twinflames should not go undervalued, as it shows just how magical and divine your connection is.

It can help you to understand the sacredness of your union and how your love transcends the perceived limitations of the human mind and 3d reality experience. Amazing stuff!

Twin flame synchronicity

Finally and to conclude this article, twin flame synchronicity is a common phenomena.

This refers to the fact that many twin flames awaken at the same time, regardless of how close or far you are, or if you have ever met! You share highly significant and essential aspects of the same timeline and earth journey.

You go through the same trials and tribulations, lessons and teachings, and you experience the highs, lows, joys and downfalls simultaneously.

It doesn’t matter if you have been in each other’s lives, as friends or acquaintances, or if you live on the other side of the planet… you and your twin share a natural harmonic resonance and natural vibration.

You are one and connected, and your synchronous awakening is usually some catalytic or harmonious event which brings you together, or at least into full alignment with your true self and the core of your soul, so you can meet later.

Want to know when you will meet your twinflame? A love psychic reading can offer you great insights into your twinflame love. You can connect with one of our online psychics via Call or Chat to one of our twin flame specialist today at Zenory.

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Soulmate Rejection: When your soulmate doesn’t honor the connection Sun, 22 Dec 2019 01:53:44 +0000

Soulmate Rejection: When your soulmate doesn’t honor the connection Soulmates come in many forms. They can be a best friend, a family member, a stranger you meet in passing, a lover or an animal. The key point to be aware of is that soulmates always show up to teach us a lesson, to teach us … Continue reading

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Soulmate Rejection: When your soulmate doesn’t honor the connection

Soulmates come in many forms. They can be a best friend, a family member, a stranger you meet in passing, a lover or an animal. The key point to be aware of is that soulmates always show up to teach us a lesson, to teach us about some aspect of ourselves or universal teaching. Soulmates are essentially reflections of us.

The soulmates we will be focusing on in this article, however, are romantic, sexual and intimate soulmates- the type of bond you may refer to as a lover, partner or boyfriend or girlfriend. These types of soulmates feel like they are your one true love, and to an extent this is true. This is because for a soulmate to be a soulmate, they would have needed to have embarked on their own journey of transformation, growth and spiritual or soulful evolution. Self- healing, meditation, metaphysical and esoteric wisdom and knowledge, awareness of our interconnectivity and connection with the universe- and planet- and a deep recognition of unconditional love being one of the most powerful vibrations and forces available to us, are all common themes inherent within a soulmate bond. In other words, you and your partner “get” each other.

Before looking into why soulmate rejection occurs, and how it can be so painful, let’s first explore the essence and archetypes of a soulmate bond and love; so you can better understand why this type of connection is so powerful and significant.

Essence & Archetypes of A Soulmate Connection

A deep bond of friendship

Soulmates have an underlying bond symbolized by friendship, mutual respect and recognition. You recognize one another and know that, to an extent, if you weren’t lovers and romantically or sexually involved, you possess the capacity for great friendship. Respect, mutual understanding and cooperation define your motivations and intentions for your relationship.

Shared spiritual or psychic gifts

Many soulmates have a deep spiritual connection. Telepathy may be common- you may know when the other is about to call or enter the room, without physical warning, and sense things beyond the norm. Your awareness of one another’s presence is deeply heightened and sharing thoughts, speech or emotions are not uncommon. There is most likely an element of reading one another’s minds too, literally possessing a psychic or clairvoyant gift to tune into your partner’s energy field and aura. It is in the aura, the electromagnetic energy field surrounding us, that thoughts, emotions, beliefs, subtle impressions, mental projections and one’s state of vibratory health (your personal vibration or frequency) can be seen. Experienced and sensed. Soulmates often have an invisible and profound bond with one another on the subtle planes of being.

Shared sense of purpose?

Many soulmates have the same interests and inner passions manifesting as a shared service or gift to humanity, the planet or some important and meaningful cause. You shine brightest when in loving or helpful service to some cause or being, and specifically when doing it with your lover. Your light and divine essence becomes activated and there is a strong desire to better yourself for both your soulmate and for the people or cause you are helping. You may choose to ground this passion, talent or gift into a profession and life path, or simply engage with it regularly as a hobby. Either way, your shared soul passion reflets outwards into the world and further strengthens your relationship.

Why doesn’t s/he honor your connection?

After reading the above you may realize just how special a true soulmate bond is. Well, with lightness comes darkness and day spirals back into night, and vice versa. Life ultimately involves duality and to put it bluntly- not everyone grows, evolves and learns on the same timeline. Your sweetie, lover or bond of soul may be your true love, and someone you can share a lifetime with, but this doesn’t mean that they are on the same journey as you.

Below is everything you need to know to help you heal and recover and step fully into your divinity and beauty once more. Please don’t think that a soulmate rejecting your love and connection is your fault, because it is not. (So long as you have done the healing and soul work, and achieved the balanced and integration of self you know to be true!)

  1. Their shadow is not a reflection of yours

We all have a shadow self, those undesirable, dark, unwanted or often denied and repressed aspects of self we either first deny and reject, or secondly aim to transcend and evolve through and past. Because a soulmate connection vibrates at such as high frequency, this means that there is great capacity for vast darkness or incredible lightness. Soulmate rejection occurs when your partner has refused to accept parts of their own shadow and therefore starts to reject you as a result. Perhaps they can’t accept their beauty, brilliance and spiritual gifts or wonderful compassionate nature, so they start to reject this part of you and your soulmate connection… This stems from an ability to accept the dark and undesirable aspects of life and being, thus, because light and dark exist simultaneously, a rejection of one part of self leads to a rejection of another.

Your connection can be intense, euphoric and transcendental, and you may vibe on a level never experienced before with past “boyfriend” and “girlfriend.” A soulmate connection is more than the societal created boyfriend and girlfriend relationship experienced in youth, or before spiritually awakened and evolved; soulmate bond is intrinsically soulful- full of soul- with an essential aspect being some level of personal awakening and healing. In order to come together in a soulmate union, you and your partner must first have had to have done some self- healing, soul- searching and deep introspection, in addition to having had engaged in the healing arts, spirituality and metaphysics- things which connect you directly to your true nature. So, you are quite simply on different stages of your journey and your mirror (your reflection, your partner and soul connection) is not quite ready to accept themselves or your bond.

  1. Karmic and ancestral wounds are real

Another highly important factor normally always present in soulmate rejection is the reality that being human inevitably involves suffering. We all have karmic and ancestral wounds, pains and trauma brought from childhood, past relationships, family and even past lifetimes, into adult life. Now, assuming that you are wholly ready for a soulmate connection on the highest levels, you have most likely engaged fully with your own personal journey of healing and transformation, and further come to terms with aspects of yourself and your past. This does not mean your soulmate has! This also means, as hard as it may be, you should not take it personally. Your love is still in a transitory phase with their own healing to do.

  1. Your feelings are not a fantasy

 Feeling like everything you felt and experienced was a fantasy, an illusion; may start to take hold. When you bond and merge with another on all levels- spiritually, soulfully mentally, emotionally and physically- it can leave you in a state of eternal perpetual entanglement. Your souls become entwined and there is a strong recognition that you have always known each other, and always will. This can be very hard and painful to come to terms with when the connection begins to break down, as you know fully within that the love you share is real, authentic and deep- almost timeless; yet your soulmate does not. However, they do know this, on a level, it is just buried by insecurities, wounds, past pains and self- denial or repression. The biggest mistake you could make is to tell yourself that it was all a fantasy.

Don’t doubt yourself or what you know to be true; your love was and is real. All those moments of deep connection, telepathy, authentic feeling and connection, and the sense of knowing one another beyond time and space… these are still true. Acceptance and understanding combined with compassion and empathy are your keys to retaining your own truth, integrity and self- love, so you can then shine this out into your next soulmate connection; or into the current one if you should choose to wait. Fully embracing that your love was not a fantasy and that everything perceived, felt and experienced was real will allow you to continue to stay on your own frequency and wavelength, and not devolve to lower your vibration to that of your soulmate’s. This brings us onto the next point.

  1. You don’t need to feel guilty for evolving higher or moving on!

This is essential. In short, the fact that your soulmate has rejected you and you are completely willing to do the self- healing and self- development work necessary to maintain and secure the bond, means that when you finally accept it is not currently meant to be, or that you are just on a different level and stage of your journey, feeling guilty is a no- no. You do not need to lower your vibration for anyone. You also don’t need to devolve or fall into karmic entrapments and entanglements. This does not mean you have to stop loving your soulmate, or stop feeling empathy for them; it is just essential that you don’t compromise your own “inner soulmate vibe” for one who is not ready nor on the same level as you. Guilt, shame or self- devolution are completely counterproductive to both your soulmate and the love you once shared- don’t you want them to rise and be the best version of themselves they can be?

Even if you are no longer together physically, your thoughts, emotions and personal frequency are very powerful. You and your soulmate are still connected throughout time and space, and your soulmate connection is still very much alive and real!

  1. Give them space, let them learn their lessons, and commit to self- love…

Finally, giving them their space and allowing them time to learn their lessons is one of the best things you can do. You also should commit to self- love and do everything in your power to stay aligned with your self- worth, self- esteem and personal confidence. Being self- empowered, soulful and sovereign should not be sacrificed for anyone, especially not for someone who was unwilling to grow and journey with you. A true soulmate connection is one of the highest expressions of love on this earth plane… no- one benefits from appeasing or sacrificing this to old wounds, ancestral or karmic trauma, and the inability or unwillingness to heal and move forward in life.

Be your own soulmate!

Being your own soulmate is one of the most effective and helpful things you can do to heal and recover from soulmate rejection. Treat yourself with the loving kindness and compassion you happily give to your lucky lover. Step fully into your self- empowerment and spiritually inspired mindset and state of consciousness. Become the best version of yourself, for you. Stay committed to self- healing and harmonizing your mind, body and spirit or soulful self with daily reality. Quite simply, be your own best friend, soul-mate and lover.

You can heal from soulmate rejection and go on to live a beautiful and abundant life. In fact, there are many soulmates for us and being rejected by one (or two or three!) does not mean you will never experience the love you know yourself worthy of. Stay strong and centered and committed to your truth. Everything manifests in perfect timing.

Want to dive deeper into the soulmate connection?  Talk to one of our experienced soulmate specialists.  Through a love psychic reading and a soulmate psychic reading, our psychics are able to tap into the feelings and emotions of your soulmate.  This psychic reading will give you deeper insight into the situation you are faced with and will push you into the direction that will get you back on track and feeling positive.

You don’t have to deal or heal through this alone, our love psychics have many years of experience reading through empathic abilities, tarot readings and more.  Talk to a psychic online via phone or chat to get some immediate answers.

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Have you been Soulmate Friendzoned? Sun, 06 Oct 2019 07:58:11 +0000

Have you been Soulmate Friendzoned? Are you in love with your soulmate but they have pushed back or become distant? We often hear from many clients that call to ask why their soulmate has become distant or why the dynamic has suddenly changed. More times than often, because one of the soulmates is not ready, … Continue reading

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Have you been Soulmate Friendzoned?

Are you in love with your soulmate but they have pushed back or become distant? We often hear from many clients that call to ask why their soulmate has become distant or why the dynamic has suddenly changed.

More times than often, because one of the soulmates is not ready, they put their soulmate into the “friends”only category.  This causing the soulmate who is ready to feel hurt, abandoned, frustrated, lost, confused, and betrayed.

There’s no way around the fact that soulmate relationships are really complex and complicated.   Soulmate connections are hard to navigate, and can often make the soulmate who is questioning themselves feel insane, or not worthy and lose self respect and self love.  

Today, we are discussing one fairly common scenario found in soulmate relationships, and this is when you are in the Soulmate Friendzone. They say love has a wide way in and a narrow way out, and, ironically, the same is true for the friendzone as well.

You may not be able to pinpoint what was exactly what took you to the friendzone, yet here you are! A witness to your soulmate’s dating life, joys and disappointments included, while they don’t seem to realize what is right in front of them. 

Of course it hurts to be in a situation in which you feel doomed to watch a parade of lovers that couldn’t be more inadequate for your soulmate, or worse, when you see how they get hurt in relationships that look highly incompatible from the outside but…

What can you do?

Well, not all is lost, but in order to make a change, there are attitudes that you can modify so that you get this situation to finally move. 

First of all, it is important to understand that soulmate relationships are not necessarily meant to end up as romantic relationships, and in fact, many don’t! Nonetheless, this doesn’t mean that you have no choice but to stay in a situation that is painful for you.  It is also important to note that most soulmate connections are here to teach us lessons. 

You should enlighten yourself and become more open to recieving the lesson by tapping into a form of meditation practice, or anything to do with self help, self awareness and self development. 

Tapping into these practices and learnings will help release alot of tension and hurt that you carry with you through this experience.  And either way, whatever the outcome is, you are stronger to reconnect or move into a better path then are currently in.  

Soulmate connections are powerful

One of the main things that you need to keep in mind is that this sort of connection goes beyond others.  As well, friendship if usually quite underrated but, when you think about it, it is quite often way more reliable than a romantic relationship.

Friendships that last for a lifetime are fairly more common than romantic relationships that last for a lifetime, so don’t underestimate a soulmate relationship in the form of friendship. 

Now, taking this into account, there is still some room for movement when it comes to the friendzone. Taking someone for granted, is poison for all relationships, soulmate or not, so here’s were your power lies.

When your soulmate gets accustomed to your unconditional presence, no matter what, they may not be appreciating you enough, and in this case is when removing yourself from the equation can trigger change.  After all, if you are pursuing romance, it makes no sense to stay for something that you are not looking for, so becoming less available and make your absence felt, can trigger different feelings in your soulmate. 

A different approach

To this is becoming available in the dating pool and let your soulmate see that you are not waiting for them and that you have a romantic life of your own. Knowing that you will be always there, just in case, doesn’t really incite any sort of rush on your soulmate’s end to make a decision, and allows them to continue dating and experimenting, because you will be there at any given point. At this point in the situation, some jealousy could come in really handy!

Also, while love is something else, infatuation is a chemical reaction that can be triggered. Physical touch is your ally in this situation, though be careful to not cross the line and become overly handsy! Touch your soulmate’s forearm, make prolonged eye-contact, hug tight and take advantage of every opportunity that you have to show physical affection in a friendly way.

Activities that increase adrenaline are also incredibly powerful to release serotonine, the hormone of happiness, which triggers feelings of infatuation, so next time you meet up, it could be interesting to do something a little more daring that could be the key to get you two closer.

If none of this works, there are three different options from this point on. First, you may need to face the possibility that your soulmate relationship perhaps is not meant to become romantic, and in this case, you may want to consult an expert on the matter to help you figure it out and give you some guidance about how to move forward. 

A different option is actively working with your feelings so that they match the situation and the friendship doesn’t become frustrating. A thought that helps with this is that your feelings are your own and don’t need reciprocation.

The third one can be tough but healthy in the long way, and it is reminding that even if they are your soulmate, it doesn’t mean that you are obliged to stay in a situation that hurts you, and if the thought of staying friends with someone for whom you have romantic feelings hurts to much, you have the perfect right to remove yourself from it and move on. 

Having a romantic relationship with your soulmate doesn’t necessarily mean the ultimate emotional satisfaction, and you can have a happy romance with a different soulmate or with someone who is not your soulmate at all. 

If you would like to know more about your soulmate relationship or if you are struggling with the soulmate friend zoned category, talk to one of our love psychics today through a chat or phone psychic reading online.

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What if your Soulmate is already married? Thu, 12 Sep 2019 08:30:51 +0000

What if your Soulmate is already married? When your soulmate is married you might be asking how did you fall for a married man or women? Can a married man be your soulmate? If your soulmate married to someone else? What should you do? If you have found yourself in this situation where your soulmate … Continue reading

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What if your Soulmate is already married?

When your soulmate is married you might be asking how did you fall for a married man or women?

Can a married man be your soulmate?

If your soulmate married to someone else? What should you do?

If you have found yourself in this situation where your soulmate is married to someone else, you will be feeling like the world is about to end.

The soulmate connection is felt by both of you and the meeting between you both had you both feeling the intensity of the soulmate connection, but none of you had any idea or intention to fall into this situation, but it happens.

If this is what you are going through at the moment know that your not on your own.

You maybe asking yourself how you came to this situation, and why the universe has brought you to this intense soulmate connection.

You may also be wondering if there is going to be a chance that your soulmate will leave their marriage.

Truthfully the answer is no, or not anytime soon.

This can be one of the most difficult situations a soulmate will ever encounter when your soulmate is married to someone else.

What is a soulmate relationship?

If there’s a word that defines soulmate relationships it is definitely “complex”. 

Soulmate connections are not easy, and they weren’t meant to be easy.  Soulmates are meant to challenge us on a deeper level, which is why when things are great for soulmate connections, things are on cloud nine. 

However when things go south, your world feels like its about to end. 

Soulmate connections as said, they can often be painful, specially when you have set your mind – and your heart – on a particular outcome.

Assumptions and expectations don’t sit well with soulmate relationships.

Assuming that a soulmate relationship will end in a “happily ever after” is sometimes a recipe for heartbreak and disaster. 

There is a number of different reasons why a soulmate connection may not end in a romantic relationship.

Soulmate is taken

There isn’t much you can do in this case.  And if you are asking if your soulmate will leave the marriage for you, it is highly unlikely.  If you want to stay in your power, this should be dealt from your higher source.

When you leave this situation to the higher source or high powers you stay in your power and in control and allow this to unfold at the right time.

Will your soulmate walk away from the marriage?

Let’s consider your soulmate maybe perfectly happy and fulfilled in a relationship with someone other than a soulmate.  Sometimes, the person will prioritise their marriage over the soulmate connection, even if they are unhappy, they may take months, or even years to walk away from a marriage.  

If this is the case, remember that your feelings are yours, nobody can take them away, and that you are free to love without an attachment, without expecting an outcome.

Other times though, the marriage will be a milestone in this person’s life, and it could be preparing them to enter a relationship with you that your soulmate wasn’t ready for before.

Regardless of what is the case, the truth is that when your soulmate is married to someone else, you need to give up control and accept that it is a situation that is not in your hands to resolve.

For this reason, it is important that you remember to live your own life and let time make things fall into place.

Release control and surrender the soulmate connection, trusting that it will be for your highest good either way.

The major lesson here has most of the time to do with the acceptance of the decisions that others make and has the purpose to show you a hint of what unconditional love truly means.

If you want to delve deeper into the soulmate connection and what this means for you moving forward, talk to one of our soulmate psychics at Zenory via phone or online chat reading.

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What To Do When Your Soulmate Isn’t Ready For You? Thu, 18 Jul 2019 10:16:50 +0000

What To Do When Your Soulmate Isn’t Ready For You? Soulmate relationships are almost invariably complicated at best. The worst part and feeling is when your soulmate isn’t ready for you, this can suck a really big one. And there are times in which, no matter how strong the soulmate connection we feel is, the … Continue reading

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What To Do When Your Soulmate Isn’t Ready For You?

Soulmate relationships are almost invariably complicated at best. The worst part and feeling is when your soulmate isn’t ready for you, this can suck a really big one.

And there are times in which, no matter how strong the soulmate connection we feel is, the person on the other end is just not ready. This is, for sure, an extremely frustrating situation.

Your soulmate connection is so strong and so real that you cannot fathom how the other person seems to be oblivious to it, and it gets really hard to let go of trying to control the situation.

It is never easy to go through this process, but it can help if you see it as an opportunity.   

Soulmate Lesson

One of the main lessons we get through a soulmate relationship that quite often goes ignored is that they are not meant to merely satisfy you emotionally, but to push you to grow, and growth is quite often difficult.

It is as well crucial to remember that even though you share a made-above connection, you are still individuals on your own seperate journey, and you only have control over your own experience.

For these reasons, the best thing to do when your soulmate isn’t ready for you, is to shift the focus from trying to change their perception, to your own experience and personal development.

If your soulmate is not ready for you, there is a misalignment, but it will not resolve until you work out your own issues. Your soulmate connection cannot be severed, so you need to let go of the urge to keep the relationship going at all costs and embrace divine timing, along with touching base with your own spirit.

Soulmate journeys will always bring change, development and progress.

When your soulmate isn’t ready, your best shot is to continue this journey in faith and strength, leading the way and trusting the process.

Talk to a soulmate psychic

Still need some clarity around your soulmate readiness? 

Touch base with a soulmate psychic.   A soulmate psychic reading can help you reach that elation by pointing you in the right direction. It can also be used to find clarity in your current soulmate relationship and the feelings and intention from your soulmate.

Soulmate psychics can connect with the energy between you and your soulmate to identify the soul connection that the both of you share.

Through a soulmate reading you will gain the clarity and insight behind the deeper connection and gain the power to move you forward and out of the rut.

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Let go of love and It will return stronger than ever Sun, 25 Nov 2018 02:14:20 +0000

Let go of love – “if you let someone go, they will come back if that’s your destiny” Let go of love and It will return stronger than ever Let go of love and it will return stronger then ever.  The people who are meant to be in your life will always gravitate back to you no matter what.  Those who … Continue reading

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Let go of love – “if you let someone go, they will come back if that’s your destiny”

Let go of love and It will return stronger than ever

Let go of love and it will return stronger then ever.  The people who are meant to be in your life will always gravitate back to you no matter what.  Those who leave and return were never meant to leave – it is true that you must let go of that love to understand its strength.

Forceful love

A better interpretation of this is that you cannot force someone to love you. Letting go doesn’t mean that you stop caring for someone.  It can mean you are releasing the force that you could be placing upon them.

Sometimes you just don’t realize now much pressure you put on others through too much love.  Try to let go of love.

Why you cannot let go of love?

Sometimes we struggle to let go of love. Quite often it is because deep down we don’t want to feel that the other has lost his or her love for you.  Holding on to pain can cause have huge ramifications on close family members as they find it difficult to help their loved one work through it.

Memories of the past like places where you and your loved one used to go, eat, play and socialize make pain more regular.

Social media such as facebook can escalate pain browsing photo’s and posts that trigger memories.

The more and more you view these reminders the harder it is causing and an upward battle seems so hard to remove yourself from.  Zenory’s Psychic Readers can help you through if you are finding it a real struggle to let go of love.  Talk to one of our love psychics today for an online psychic chat or phone reading.

No matter how much you pain is suffered, some day you will look back and realise that your struggles to letting go were all worth the while


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Soulmate Signs: 10 Signs You’ve Found Your Soulmate Wed, 05 Sep 2018 07:57:06 +0000

Soulmate Signs: 10 Signs You’ve Found Your Soulmate Soulmate signs are sometimes hard to identify if you have not encountered a soulmate relationship. Soulmates don’t just have to be in a form of a romantic relationship.   We can find a soulmate in a best friend, a pet, an aunty, uncle, you name it.  In fact, … Continue reading

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Soulmate Signs: 10 Signs You’ve Found Your Soulmate

Soulmate signs are sometimes hard to identify if you have not encountered a soulmate relationship.

Soulmates don’t just have to be in a form of a romantic relationship.   We can find a soulmate in a best friend, a pet, an aunty, uncle, you name it.  In fact, we have many soulmates.   When you come to meet your soulmate, there is something special that draw the two of you together.  Connection is instant, like you’ve never felt the type of connection with anyone else.

Below are a list of 10 soulmate signs that will tell you if you have found your soulmate or not.

10 signs you have met your soulmate
10 signs you have met your soulmate

Is Your Soulmate The Real Deal?

When you first connect with a soulmate, everything is new, all is on a high, but then what if your soulmate has baggage? What if they are not really who they say they are?  When we see things at face value, we can often miss the reality of situations at hand.
How do you know if this relationship is truly the one?  Well you won’t.  Most relationships, especially soulmate relationships take time, and are hard work.  Soulmate relationships come with a lot of work, teachings and lessons.
The best way to tackle this is going into a relationship with no expectations, and the main focuses is on giving the best version of yourself.

Identifying Soulmate Connections

Soulmate connections are easy to identify.  Firstly, you cant “see” a soulmate connection, it is only felt.   The connection is felt from a deep spiritual level.  The souls were meant to meet and if your lucky enough to meet on the physical realm, you should take part in knowing that the universe has moved every circumstance, people and events to bring the souls together.  Soulmate connections often have the same hiding place.

What is a Soulmate?

Soulmates: are multiple souls we encounter on our life path on the earthly plane.  Before we are born, we are assign to a “soul group” to encounter as us and are sent to help awaken and challenge us in life, so that we can become the better versions of ourselves.  

Do you  wonder when you will meet your Soulmate? 
Talk to a love psychic through a phone psychic reading or chat psychic reading at Zenory today!  Our psychics are qualified to provide assistance across the world at anytime of the day at just a click of a button.
Do you have burning questions about dealing with your soulmate connection?  Are you going through a current relationship breakdown?  Do you wonder if your soulmate truly loves you?  Is your soulmate withdrawing?  Whatever the case maybe, we can help you establish and give you the guidance needed to break through your current soulmate situation.

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9 Essential Facts You Need To Consider in 2018 Before You Get Back With Your Soulmate Wed, 14 Mar 2018 07:08:13 +0000

9 Essential Facts You Need To Consider in 2018 Before You Get Back With Your Soulmate Even if you think you have found your soulmate, there are always going to be bumps in the road large enough to throw you temporarily off course. Relationships aren’t always perfect. Getting back together with a soulmate or ex … Continue reading

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9 Essential Facts You Need To Consider in 2018 Before You Get Back With Your Soulmate

Even if you think you have found your soulmate, there are always going to be bumps in the road large enough to throw you temporarily off course.

Relationships aren’t always perfect.

Getting back together with a soulmate or ex partner is always a tough situation and something that you are considering doing, you should read through these 9 essential steps before you consider getting back together with your soulmate.  No matter where you left of in your relationship, it is never easy to pick up and move forward and address those awkward situations.

You might split up for a time but find yourself getting back together later when you both have changed and grown through the soulmate process.

If you are thinking of rekindling an old flame, make sure to do so using these crucial steps if you want the relationship to stick this time. Remember, there is a reason, no matter how big or small, that you broke up the first time. You don’t want to make the mistake of getting back together just to fall right back into bad habits.

Take Your Time

Getting back together can be exciting and emotional at the same time. Don’t rush into a physical relationship right away or let yourself be swept up in emotions that blind you to what is going on.  Just because you were together in the past doesn’t mean you need to speed through the stages of a relationship to pick up where you left off.  You both need time to adjust to the rekindled relationship.

Don’t Treat This Like A Brand New Relationship

Unlike when you first met, you are walking into this relationship with your eyes wide open. You already know each other so this time go deeper. Get to know them in a new light, see them for what they have become while you were apart. Share with them the differences in yourself as well.

Be Honest About The Gap

Depending on how long you’ve been apart, you or your partner might have moved on or at least tried to move on while you were broken up. While your rational mind accepts the fact that your soulmate dated while you were apart, it can still be shocking and hurtful to hear about it. Be upfront about the dating you did while the two of you were apart. It is better to know now and get it out of the way so you can build a new relationship together.

Know Why You Want To Get Back Together

Some relationships aren’t worth rekindling. If you felt betrayed, abused or neglected in your old relationship it might be best to let the past be. If you broke up for a small reason in the heat of the moment, you might regret your decision to split up. Don’t get back together with an ex just because you are lonely or haven’t had any good dates since breaking up. Get back together for the right reasons.

Talk About Old Issues

If there were specific things that upset you before breaking up the first time, now is the time to talk calmly and rationally about those issues. You were probably too upset during the breakup to have a civil conversation but now that you’ve had time to cool off, make sure to communicate how you felt about what ended your past relationship.

Let The Past Go

Once you have completed step number 5 (talk about old issues) let them go. Do not carry old baggage into the relationship. Do not use arguments you had during your first relationship against your partner now that you are back together. You’ve talked about the issues in your past, now it is time to move forward.

Avoid Old Habits

You and your soulmate broke up for a reason. If that reason was being blind or negligent to your partners needs, make sure not to fall into old habits by taking each other for granted this time around. Don’t repeat old patterns of being late, skipping out on plans, flirting with other people or anything else that drove you break up before.

Don’t Try To Change The Other Person

Only get back together with your ex once you have changed and grown as a person. Use the time between relationships to grow stronger and work on your own issues. Do not take your ex back and expect them to change. You cannot control another person’s actions. You need to realize that going in. If you have changed and they haven’t, maybe it’s not the right time to get back together.

Build New Memories

Now the fun part. Build new memories with your soulmate. Go on dates to places you’ve never been before. Eat at new restaurants and go on new adventures. Build happy memories that symbolize the personal growth you both have achieved that allowed you to get back together with new strength.

If your thinking of getting back together with your soulmate and need insight into the relationship, try one of our soulmate specialists for an online psychic reading.  Seeking psychic advice online is easy, fast and secure at Zenory.

A psychic reading with a love psychic can give major insight into potential love outcomes with your soulmate.  A soulmate psychic reading can provide honest and non-judgemental guidance into the future of your soulmate relationship.

If you enjoyed this article, make sure to check out:

Are You Truly Ready For A Soulmate Relationship?
Way’s To Tell if your Ex is Stalking You on Facebook

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Are You In Love With A Narcissist? Ask Yourself These Key Questions Sat, 03 Mar 2018 23:37:22 +0000

Are You In Love With A Narcissist? People tend to use the term “narcissist” when they are upset by a person’s selfish actions or behaviours. A true narcissist, however, is a mentally unstable individual with a serious personality disorder confirmed by the National Institute of Mental Health and defined in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical … Continue reading

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Are You In Love With A Narcissist?

People tend to use the term “narcissist” when they are upset by a person’s selfish actions or behaviours.

A true narcissist, however, is a mentally unstable individual with a serious personality disorder confirmed by the National Institute of Mental Health and defined in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Metal Disorders).

Narcissism not only causes delusions of grander but also the inability to have empty for others.

They are often competitive, driven individuals who can also be highly successful in business, but personal relationships are very difficult for them to maintain.

A narcissist is the centre of their own universe, you and your needs will never be their main focus.

A narcissist rarely recognises or admits there is anything wrong with them and there is no cure.

Intensive therapy is the only way a narcissist can live cohesively with another person as a spouse.

It is easy to fall in love with a narcissist because they are confident, successful people with a huge gravitational pull.

If you find yourself in a relationship with one, however, you will quickly notice that in private they are a different person.

Moody, prone to outbursts and tantrums, paranoid and even delusional.

If you find yourself stuck in a situation where you have already fallen in love with a person who turns out to be a narcissist, you must quickly determine if your own safety or mental health would be at risk by staying with them, even if they seem like your soulmate.

A few questions to ask yourself to determine if your partner is a narcissist:

Are they overly self-absorbed, to the detriment of all others around them?

Are they consistently putting their own needs before yours?

Do they become irrationally angry at imagined slights?

Do they seem to be unaware that their actions hurt people?

Do you feel safe alone with them when they are having a breakdown or tantrum?

Keep in mind, someone with a real case of narcissism will never admit they have a problem as it is beyond their capability to see or sense it.  A true narcissist without extensive therapy may be incapable of fully loving another person.

Once you come to peace with these truths, you can decide if this one-sided relationship is worth trying to preserve.  As with any mental disorder, the severity can be a range from mild to extreme severity.  A person with mild narcissism might be able, through therapy, to participate in a normal healthy relationship in time.

With higher levels of severity, the person you love might simply be incapable of loving you back.  Seek therapy or talk to an online psychic or online tarot reader at Zenory for some insight on how you can go about dealing with a partner who is a narcissist.

You can ask a psychic through a psychic reading if your loved one’s disorder is having a negative effect on your own mind and ways to cope with this moving forward.

Some key questions you may like to ask a love psychic:

Is my partner playing games?

Is my partners behaviour going to get better? Will they seek help with this to better the relationship?

How can I talk to my partner about this unacceptable behaviour?

How do I deal with a narcissist?

Do I stay or should I walk away?

These are general questions, and most peoples situations are also different, so understand that the above are only general questions.  A good idea would be to take a piece of paper and write down some questions you would like to ask your psychic to clarify, this could be “words” that your partner uses.

This could be a situation, event that has happened in your relationship for you to notice some of the signs that are showing the behaviours of a narcissist.

Either way, you need to take the time for yourself to identify how to cope or how you are going to move forward in confidence with this.

If you found this article helpful, you may also like to read: Signs Your Relationship Wasn’t Mean’t To Last

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Reasons Why Men Pull Away In A Relationship Mon, 19 Feb 2018 10:29:14 +0000

Reasons Why Men Pull Away In A Relationship But why do men pull away? Many women have had the experience of having a man they were in a relationship with swiftly withdraw and pull away. You may have been spending a lot of time together and calling and texting each other into the wake of … Continue reading

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Reasons Why Men Pull Away In A Relationship

But why do men pull away?

Many women have had the experience of having a man they were in a relationship with swiftly withdraw and pull away.

You may have been spending a lot of time together and calling and texting each other into the wake of dawn,  often when suddenly, he goes silent.

It’s easy to start replaying everything in your mind over and over looking for clues and reasons why he might be acting the way he is.

Here are 7 common reasons why men pull back in a relationship, and steps you can take to identify a man who is pulling away and withdrawing.


You might be seeing signs of a cheating man when he starts to avoid from intimacy.  The number one thing women worry about when a man pulls away from them emotionally is that he is cheating.   Cheating would cause him to be less available to you and be more guarded over where he is spending his time.  He might also be feeling guilt from his actions.

Anger Over a Fight or Misunderstanding

If you recently had a fight, even if you have made up, there could still be hurt feelings or misunderstandings diving you. Men sometimes have difficulty expressing their feelings and that can lead to silence on their end.

Feeling For An Ex-Lover

If your man recently ran into an ex-lover, ex-girlfriend or ex-wife, this could cause old feelings for that person to resurface and no matter if he is planning to pursue these old feelings or not, it could cause him to pull back from you for a while. Confusion over old feelings is a common reason for withdrawal.

Spooked or Flooded With Emotion

Remember that men have difficulty expressing their emotions and if they feel overwhelmed with strong feelings for you, even if those feelings are of love, it could frighten him into becoming more distant as he struggles to figure out what he is feeling and how to express those feelings to you.

The deeper he falls in love with you, the more he faces a fear of rejection as well which is also stressful.

Fear Of Commitment 

It’s perfectly normal for both men and women in relationships to have a fear of commitment.

Especially if the relationship is new or one of you had a bad relationship in the past. Some people just have a hard time settling down until they are 100% sure they are in love.

Personal Life Events

It is possible that the reason for the withdrawal has nothing to do with you or your relationship. If your man is going through tough times economically or with their family they could simply be busy processing the stress in their life.

Be a shoulder to cry on and give him the space he needs to resolve these issues that do not have to do with your relationship.

Settling In

What you might read as withdrawal could just be the natural course of a relationship that has become comfortable.

When a relationship is new, there tends to be a lot more dating, texting and attempts to impress each other.  As the relationship grows, you no longer have the urge to check in with each other 24/7 because you are confident in your love.

Are you seeing signs that your man or the guy your involved with might be pulling away, becoming distant or withdrawing from you?  Contact our accurate love psychics for an online psychic reading today.  Get the answers and clarity you need to move forward in your life.

Through a psychic love reading, our soulmate psychics and tarot readers are able to pick up and see your situation clearly, and therefore can give you the insight and tools to steir you onto the right path.

When he pulls away, be sure to gain the tools and insight to deal with these situations at ease, understand why he pulls away without worry or stress.  The guidance and insight from a psychic reading at Zenory is always given with compassion whilst delivering your messages with truth.

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