Articles in Love and Relationships

Soulmate Reading – Is your soul still searching for its mate?

 There is a belief that true soulmates have connected and reconnected over hundreds of years as the soul moves on after death to incarnate another body. Whether you believe this or not, there is no mistaking the feeling of elation when you meet that special someone who elates your inner soul. A soulmate reading can help you reach that elation by pointing you in the right romantic direction. It can also be used to find clarity in your current relationship if you feel that soulmate connection slowly slipping away. If you find that...  Read more

First Release Cycle 2015

We go into our first release cycle of the new year. Time to clear out and open space for all the wonderful new things coming in this year. Time to let go, be it an old romance that has run it's course, an old habit, pent up emotions or those things shoved under the bed. We are all afraid of not having , letting go.  We will stay in a relationship that no longer serves our higher good.  It is time to clear the negativity out of ourselves and our lives. This is an 8 year 2+0+1+5, and a year draw in what you want.  However,...  Read more

Psychic Readings Online Wellington

Everyday you are making conscious and unconscious decisions that steer you away from enduring friendships and love. These decisions take you off the path to your true destiny. With the help of Psychic Readings Online Wellington, you will make better life choices that bring you peace and happiness.  Your heart and mind are gripped by negative emotions everyday. Feelings such as worry, anger, hurt and fear misguide you when basing life choices around them. With a psychic reading comes an understanding of where those emotions are...  Read more

Cheating in a relationship

Cheating in a relationship Lovers cheat in relationships for many reasons, but the underlying cause for cheating is almost always a deep desire for change.  One partner becomes bored or unsatisfied, and instead of dealing with that in a healthy manner, they look for the answer outside of the relationship. Other lovers may use an affair as a way to exit the relationship instead of trying to fix what is making them unhappy in it.  They are reckless in the affair, hoping that being caught will allow them to bow out entirely from the...  Read more

Insights into your Long Distance Relationship

Insights into your Long Distance Relationship Maintaining a long distance relationship is not an easy thing to do. It takes hard work and there can be emotional turmoil. But our psychic readings help alleviate that stress by giving you perceptive and accurate insights into your long distance relationship that are unique to your situation.  Some couples start out as long distance relationships, while others become that way over time. Regardless of which type fits you and your partner, we understand there are tough days when you...  Read more

Psychic Advice for a Break up

Psychic Advice for a Break up Do you wonder if you and your ex-partner are really soulmates? Are you wondering if the break up was a mistake? Will you two be able to make it long term if you reunite? Get valuable advice on breakups from our experienced team of psychics. We are here to help you by listening to your unique story and offering you precise insights into how to deal with breakups. Simply select the love psychic you prefer to speak with and request a conversation, either by phone or online. The future of your...  Read more

Soul mate relationship challenges

Soul mate relationship challenges Many of you have probably grown up hearing the word soul mate.  You know, that one person that will come to your life who will know and understand all your unspoken thoughts.  Someone who will feel what you feel and love you completely, wholly, with no questions asked. The vision of two people falling deep into this kind of connection is definitely wonderful but this belief also happened to be the number one reason why a lot of relationships failed, with both parties going separate ways....  Read more